Intermarine UK works with the best tradespeople from around the world, providing our clients with complete assurance, safe in the knowledge that they have the right skills, working in the right place, at the right time.
Our employees are subject to robust work history, and security vetting checks according to the requirements of each client.
Alongside these checks, candidates are selected subject to a physical trade test and/or a technical competency-based interview process at our international premises to verify candidate skills.
- Military new build ship construction projects
- Military Ship repair
- Commercial ship build, ship repair and conversion projects
- Modular ship construction and assembly,
- Offshore wind transportation grillage manufacture and installation
- Vessel mobilisations across Offshore Oil & Gas and Wind Industry
Our networks across international pools of labour support the provision of:
- Welders, Platers and Fabricators:
- MiG (GMAW), TiG (GTAW), Stick (SMAW), Flux Core (FCAW)
Including codings across Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium and other specialist materials - Riggers, Slingers, Sheet Metal Workers,
- MiG (GMAW), TiG (GTAW), Stick (SMAW), Flux Core (FCAW)
- Pipefitters, Mechanical Fitters, Electrical Fitters
- Joiners, Carpenters, Marine Electricians and Cable Pullers
- Our specialists are shipyard assured, tested and proven tradespeople
Our global teams work across the UK, Europe and Americas, including shipyards in Germany, Spain, Norway and North America.